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1,200 Children Enter The Foster Care System Everyday

When children are removed from their homes the priority is their safety. This leaves the child with little time (if any) to gather personal belongings. These children are entering the system, oftentimes, with absolutely nothing but the clothes on their backs. To help children in foster care we are on a SOCKtober mission. 

This October we are giving 85,000 pairs of socks to kids in foster care.

What Is Socktober?

What Is Socktober?

Socktober is a month dedicated to helping give kids in foster care a basic necessity: socks! Thanks to our partner, Bombas, we have 85,000 pairs of socks to donate. Now here is where you come in. We need help shipping them to children across the U.S. $3 equals shipping for 2 pair of socks

To help children in foster care we are on a SOCKtober mission. This October we are giving 85,000 pairs of socks to kids in foster care. Socks are something so simple but for many kids in care, having clean new socks is a rare treat.

New Socks Can...

New Socks Can...

help build a child’s confidence and self-esteem

allow foster families to reallocate resources to
food and other essentials.

provide a basic necessity that many children in care lack.

change a life.

Work With Us

Joelle Oiknine has been recognized as one of the Top Ten producing agents at ONE Sotheby’s International Realty as well as being named to the Real Trends WSJ Top 100 agents in Miami on multiple occasions.

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